Make changing directions very simple

Ball Transfer Units are the easiest way to move containers across a conveyor line in any direction.

For the careful warehousing of your goods, they can be designed for the table tops that connect to conveyor lines and racks.

Castor Ball Set for Conveyors

Take control

Use in conjunction with Slide Strips and Brush Inserts to spread the Castor Ball Inserts across a larger area and control the speed of the goods.

Brush Insert ESD for conveyors

Two solutions are available

The Castor Ball Sets and the Castor Ball Inserts can both be designed into an aluminium frame with the dimensions you require.

Castor Ball Sets

To install Castor Ball Sets, simply drill a recess (diameter 25mm, 12mm deep) into a table top using a Forstner bit.

Castor Ball Inserts

Press each insert into the specially designed Castor Rail.

Castor Ball Inserts item

Design and assembly advice are readily available

Call us or send us a sketch and we can help you finalise your design and send you a quote.